Terrific Trio

# Proudly Wisconsin Cheese

Image of the Renard's Terrific Trio Cheese - featured cheese of the month for November 2023.
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Renard's Terrific Trio

Terrific Trio is an exquisite fusion of three cheeses, made up of Renard’s handcrafted white cheddar, parmesan and gouda. The saltiness of this cheese heightens the nutty, buttery flavors for a taste you can’t forget. Read our product reviews and you will see the kind of devotion that this cheese inspires!


  • Shave atop pasta, chicken or vegetables.
  • Also great on salads, spaghetti, macaroni and cheese, or quiche.

Renard's Artisan Cheese History

The Renard family tradition of handcrafting gourmet cheese in Door County, WI began in 1961. They are a family owned and operated business that is now on its third generation of cheesemakers. Chris and Ann Renard own Renard’s Cheese as well as Rosewood Dairy where all the cheese is produced.

Renard’s believes that when you start with a fresh quality product, you end up with a high-quality cheese. The secret to their award-winning cheese is sourcing milk from local Door and Kewaunee counties and producing it in small manually controlled batches. While their business has grown over the years, the recipe remains the same. They currently produce over 3,000,000 pounds of cheese a year.

The cheese selections include Cheddar, Colby, Farmers, Muenster, Brick, Marble, Monterey Jack, Mozzarella String, Smoked String and more than 50 flavor-infused specialty cheeses. variety of cheese selections include Cheddar, Colby, Farmers, Muenster, Brick, Marble, Monterey Jack, Mozzarella String, Smoked String, and more than 50 flavor-infused specialty cheeses. There is no waste in the cheesemaking process. The cream that is separated gets transported to a local dairy to be used for making butter. The whey is shipped to a whey processing plant where it is the main ingredient for a high-grade feed for farm animals.

In 2014, Chris Renard earned his Master Cheesemaker Certification – a nationally accredited title. Renard’s Cheese vows to stay true to their roots while maintaining great standards in crafting products that they are proud to put their name on.

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