Deer Creek Fawn

# Proudly Wisconsin Cheese

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Image of Deer Creek Cheese - The Fawn- cheese available in our delis.

The Fawn

The Fawn’s Aging Process:  The Fawn is a traditional bandage wrapped and waxed daisy wheel cheddar aged in a poplar wood box. It is aged for a minimum of 90 days. This cheese has a unique culture set that develops different flavor characteristics as the cheese ages. For The Fawn, we look for specific flavor nuances, like a clear buttery note and a strong caramel note. If the cheese has not developed those flavor characteristics by the time we’re looking to release it, we will let it continue to age in order to allow it to develop the signature flavors we look for in The Fawn’s sister cheeses, The Stag and The Imperial Buck.

Available In All Trig's Locations

Flavor Notes

  • Sweet nuttiness with a full, complex Cheddar flavor
  • Butter and caramel notes
  • Delicate at first, with a rich finish that lingers on


  • Soft Pairings: Spiced Apple Cider
  • Beer Pairings: Porter, Amber
  • Wine Pairings: Chardonnay, Dry Rosé, Prosecco, Port
  • Hard Pairings: Hard Ciders, Brandy
  • Nibblies: Cashews, Grapes, Apples, Dried Cherries, Pistachios, Blackberries, Dried Apricots

About Deer Creek 

Deer Creek Artisan Cheesemakers are not cheesemakers, they’re cheese hotrodders. They like to put a twist on classics by asking “what if?” Starting with an inspiration, they experiment with different flavors, cultures, and affinage techniques. Thier goal is to imagine something unique—something shareable. 

Thier cheeses are our family’s kitchen counter creations come to life at the hands of some of Wisconsin’s greatest Master Cheesemakers. They continuously tweak each recipe with our cheesemaking partners to create cheeses that are characterful, inspiring both the cheese lover and cheese professional with whimsical personality, creative flavor, and consistent quality.  

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