Northwoods Gourmet Popcorn

# Popped Fresh by Trig's

Northwoods Gourmet Popcorn

  • Gluten Free
  • Non-dairy
    All popcorn and caramel/sweet corns are non-dairy. One excetion is our cheese corn.
  • Whole Grain
    All popcorn-based products are 100% whole grain!
  • Non-GMAO
  • Trans Fat Free
    Coconut oil has less than .5g  trans fatty acids in a sample, anything less than 1g is considered trans fat free. And all the cheese flavors are Trans fat free as well.



Popcorn Bars!

A perfect, fun addition to your backyard movie nights, weddings, graduations, or other celebrations.  We have a variety of flavors available - sure to please all of your guests.

Northwoods Gourmet Popcorn Bars set up in rotating images to show ideas for weddings, movie nights, or graduations and more.


Store Location & Information

image of trig's logo

Obsessed with fresh since  1971.
Serving you from four locations.

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