Visit, login, select your pickup or delivery date and time, shop your items and add to your cart.
When you are finished shopping, view your cart (upper right area of the navigation bar) and select CHECKOUT.
Once in the cart view, you can review your order (if you haven't chosen a date/time for pickup or delivery do so now).
While in this view you can remove items, increase quantities, or add notes to each item.
Scroll to the bottom to CHECKOUT and move in to the final steps for payment.
You will find an accordian that lets you double check your selected pickup or delivery time, if ok, click CONTINUE.
Next, select your credit card for payment or enter payment information as requested; also select the address; click CONTINUE
In this screen you will be shown a final review of your order and then you can enter instructions for your shopper, packer/bagger, and delivery man.
If you need a duplicate receipt, check that box.
REQUIRED - Select your instructions on how you would like us to handle substitutions or out of stock items. (Call you, don't call, substitute or no substitutions, etc.)
When everything is completed, click FINISH ORDER
You will receive a message of approval and you will receive an email confirmation of your order submission.
From here you will receive an email with your receipt once the shopper has finished and finalized the payment.
Obsessed with fresh since 1971.
Serving you from four locations.
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